Super Punch-Out!!

다운로드 번호
필요한 포인트
골드 포인트

「닌텐도 어카운트」를 등록하여 포인트를 모으면 기프트를 받을 수 있습니다!

기프트 상세

Download and play the Super NES game Super Punch-Out!! on your Wii U console. You’ll face off against the toughest boxers in the business and try to knock them out in three minutes. Defeat them by observing their movements and characteristics, and rise up as the boxing champ!
*A Wii U system is required to use this reward.
*Wii Remote is required to play this game.
*Wii U Sensor Bar required to play on a TV screen.
*You will receive a download code for this item. You'll need to download the game separately from the Nintendo eShop on your Wii U console.
*You can view your download code on the My Nintendo website once you redeem your points for it.
*Space needed to save this game: 71 MB
*Internet access required to download. For more info, go to
This game can be purchased from the Nintendo eShop on Wii U. For a limited time only, My Nintendo members can redeem points for a download code of this game.
Note: This offer is subject to the Nintendo Account User Agreement and the My Nintendo rewards program Terms of Service.

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