(Video) : Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (Nintendo 3DS)

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필요한 포인트
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기프트 상세

Kirby's ready for action in this special, two-part 3D episode of Kirby: Right Back At Ya!
(This video was available on Nintendo Video in 2012. This video is available in English only.)

A download code will be displayed once you redeem your points for this reward. Visit the Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo 3DS system and enter your code to download this game.

*A Nintendo 3DS system is required to use this reward. Please click here for information on how to download the video.
*You will receive a download code for this item. You'll need to download the video separately on your Nintendo 3DS system.
*You can view your download code on the My Nintendo website once you redeem your points for it.
*The # of open blocks needed to save this game: 323
*Wireless Internet access required to download. For more info, go to support.nintendo.com.

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